Emptiness is a form, form is the emptiness

Skimming through the lists of books read so far, it is fascinating to see that I am paving my own path. Numerous philosophical books have read that I could have graduated from philosophical school and leading an extraordinary life if there was such a thing. Ordinary people would have thought that I have gone insane. But I like to try living crazy life once in the future and that is the very reason that I am reading such books. 
The truth is, with close introspection, I find myself so empty as if that I have read nothing else so far. No impact made on myself or on any others. I always thought that I would like to know myself to know others. My philosophy of education is based on this assumption and whatever I did in school is the testimony of this hypothesis. so much time wasted striving to understand deeper within oneself and it has been like chasing a wild goose in the wilderness of one's mind. 

To keep me spirited and attain the upshot in the future, I recalled what Canadian philosopher Robin Sharma has said in "The 5 Am Club", whatever we have done; trivial, mediocrity, or mastery works, it all has intuitively prepared us to be who we are now. The books like, "Physics of impossible; The smiling moon; or The word of my perfect teacher" all assures that it is within one's reach and possible. Though in this modernized era, there are only a few who show enthusiasm for philosophical discourses. More obstacles are there to sabotage this venture, I am determined to get it there any day in this lifetime. 
To recalled one instance, one time after I finished reading. I initiated a discussion with my friend Dorji. I still vividly remember this. He would show the middle finger and say, 'talk to this'. This lead to the abrupt end of the discussion, the end of the book, and the case closed. Easy-peasy. 

But I never refrain from the good habit of reading. I have this desire burning within. The current book "Why Buddhism is True?" reveals the missing puzzle and ignites the spark within me. I felt vindicated and I am venturing this voyage very this year. To cater to this end, I kept my resolution for this year as "Own the morning, elevate the life".
Talking more about the current book, the book is indiscernible if we have absolutely no experience in meditation. It took me half of the chapters to engross myself within the book. I am not discouraging here to grab this book, if you wish to fathom the structure and essence of life from both science and religious point of view, and harness these understandings to reach complete bliss, you are welcome to flip the page. 


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